Posted on almost 8 years ago by John Reid
Want a new job in 2017?, then start looking in 2016
We all make New Year’s resolutions, some small like give up a certain luxury or start a new pastime, one of the most common one’s is to get a new job or push for a promotion, a desire to better ourselves and get what we feel we deserve.
To best prepare yourself your mind-set should be to improve and push on in 2017 I should be starting now in 2016, why wait until January 2nd or 3rd next year to start the process when in actual fact you should be starting now, come January 2nd you are competing with 1000s of like minded ambitious people who will all be fishing in the same pond as you, will all be contacting the same recruiters, the same members of HR and applying to work in the same companies.
The main misconception people have towards the end of the year is why move to a company say a week before Xmas and possibly have to work impossible deadlines, feel like the odd one out in a new team because people have no time to give you any attention, lose bonuses in your present company.
The reality is the hiring process itself can be a long one. From your initial action of submitting your CV to been made a job offer there will be many stages, for example when you submit your CV for a role it could be a week before it is reviewed by HR and the hiring manager, you could then get called for different stage interviews, hopefully then reference checks, all this will most likely be met in between by the Christmas period meaning it be January before you have even been made an offer and need to hand in your notice to your current employer.
Come January you could be handing in your notice even before the vast majority of your competition have even updated their CV or sent it to anyone of relevance. Don’t be that person who ends up looking at a leaving colleague thinking it should be you, perhaps this person could even be moving into a role you were spending days thinking over and mistakenly thinking you will apply in January.
Want to start the job search process or even just put things in motion then feel free to review all the roles we currently have at The RFT Group at