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Employment rate hits highest level on record in Q2 - CSO

Posted on over 1 year ago by Laurentina Kennedy

Image 2023 08 24 T10 42 56

Employment rate hits highest level on record in Q2 - CSO

The latest Labour Force Survey from the CSO shows the number of people in employment increased by 3.5% to 2,643,000 in the second quarter of 2023
The latest Labour Force Survey from the CSO shows the number of people in employment increased by 3.5% to 2,643,000 in the second quarter of 2023

The employment rate rose to over 74% in the second quarter of 2023, the highest rate since the current series of records began in 1998.

The latest Labour Force Survey from the Central Statistics Office shows that the number of people in employment increased by 88,400 or 3.5% to 2,643,000 in the second quarter of this year.

The employment rate for females is at 70.5%, its highest level since the series began in 1998.

Today's CSO figures show that the largest year-on-year increase in employment was recorded in the public administration and defence sector.

The largest percentage decrease was in the agriculture, forestry & fishing sector, which recorded a 6.3% fall.

Despite recent high-profile lay offs in the tech industry, the numbers employed in the information and communications sector increased on an annual basis by 8,500 to 173,400.

There was also an increase in the numbers working in construction, rising by 2,900 to 170,200.

The number of people who were unemployed in the second quarter of the year stood at 121,200, with an associated unemployment rate of 4.4%.

The youth unemployment rate, for those aged 15-24 years, rose to 12.2% in the second quarter of the year compared to a figure of 11.4% the previous year.

The CSO said there were 31,900 people in long-term unemployment, an increase of 100 people compared the same period last year.